Diego Badell publica sobre la contestación europea del Pacto Mundial Migratorio

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El investigador del Observatori y de EU-NormCon, Diego Badell (UAB-IBEI), publica el artículo científico ‘The EU, migration and contestation: the UN Global Compact for migration, from consensus to dissensus‘ en la revista Global Affairs.

Abstract: The 2015 migration crisis has shaken the EU system to the point that no agreement on the matter was possible. In this line, it was decided to bring to the international level the need to agree on a migration norm: the UN Global Compact for Migration. This article analyses the EU and Member States dynamics of dissent vis-à-vis substantive and procedural norms. It shows the existence of four structural factors within EU foreign policy that enhances consensus. That is the existence of a common position on the matter, the expert culture constraining the behaviour of parties, the EU community of practices and the role of the chair. The presence of these factors explain why the EU contained Hungary’s objections to the Compact, but its absence also explains the domino effect triggered by the Austrian withdrawal. At the end, EU norms such as effective multilateralism and sincere cooperation were contested.