La investigadora del Observatori Laia Mestres ha publicado recientemente un capítulo en el libro editado de Tim Oliver ‘Europe’s Brexit. EU Perspectives on Britain’s Vote to Leave‘. En el capítulo, titulado ‘Iberia: Portugal y España’ y coautor con António Raimundo, Mestres analiza el Brexit desde la perspectiva española, mientras que Raimundo lo hace desde el punto de vista portugués.
Abstact: Sharing a firm commitment to European integration and possessing important socio-economic links with the UK, both Spain and Portugal defended an amicable solution for the Brexit that helped preserve the EU project and prevented them from a loss in their bilateral ties with the UK. Apart from this important convergence, there were also some subtler differences that mirrored in part the variation in the two countries’ approach to European integration and the nature of their relations with Britain. While Spain’s reaction was more affirmative and clearly a Europeanist one, Portugal’s response was more cautious and balanced.