Lluc Vidal López

Lluc López Vidal’s research focus is on the study of cooperation and conflict dynamics in the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, he analyses Japan’s foreign policy, the rise of China, and its impact both regionally and on the international system, as well as the political systems of East Asia.
He participates in various technological innovation projects within the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and is a member of the research group on Law and Political Science GADE (eGovernance: administration and electronic democracy), where he works on the study of Japanese foreign policy. Moreover, he is a founding member of the Research Group on International Relations in Asia-America (GIRIA), an interuniversity group linked to the Institute of International and Intercultural Studies (IEII) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and collaborates with the CIDOB Foundation.