Eduard Soler i Lecha

Eduard Soler i Lecha is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Senior Researcher associated with CIDOB. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. His main areas of expertise include geopolitics, foresight, foreign policy, Turkey, and the Middle East and North Africa region. He has extensive experience participating in and leading collaborative research and training projects such as MENARA, an H2020 project led by CIDOB on the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa that involved 14 partners and around 50 researchers; and El Hiwar (2013-2022), a Euro-Arab diplomatic training project implemented by the College of Europe (Bruges). In 2010, he worked as an advisor in the Mediterranean unit of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and actively participated in the preparation and implementation of Mediterranean initiatives during the rotating presidency of the EU Council. He is also a collaborating professor at IBEI and UOC, where he teaches courses on the Mediterranean and international relations of the Middle East, among other topics. He is a member of the Observatory of European Foreign Policy and serves on the international advisory boards of Mediterranean Politics, Mediterranean Yearbook of IEMed, and the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) based in Berlin.