Obs Working papers & Policy Briefs
The working papers of the Observatori from 2009 to 2012 can be downloaded here. Previous volumes (25-79) can be downloaded from the website of the Dipòsit de Recerca de Catalunya (Research Repository of Catalonia) via the following link:
- Vol. 87: Kalyoncu, Peyami (2012) EU “actorness” in International Relations- The Non-Proliferation Policy of the EU in the Southern Mediterranean.
- Vol. 86: Hüllen, Vera van (2010) More than cheap talk- Euro-Mediterranean cooperation on human rights and democracy.
- Vol. 85: Barbé, Esther and Mestres, Laia (2010) La Política Europea de España 2009-10.
- Vol. 84: Vlaskamp, Martijn C. (2010) The Role of the European Union in the Processes to Ban Cluster Munitions.
- Vol. 83: Hernández i Sagrera, Raül (2010) La agenda de inmigración de la UE hacia Europa oriental- diseñando las bases para un partenariado migratorio.
- Vol. 82: Barbé, Esther and Mestres, Laia (2009) La Política Europea de España 2008-09.
- Vol. 81: Jenne, Nicole (2009) State Failure – A Rationale for EU Foreign Policy.
- Vol. 80: Andrés Viñas, David (2009) EU’s democracy promotion policy in the Mediterranean- Squaring the stability – democracy circle.
Obs briefs
Hereby you can find a selection of working papers titled ‘Obs briefs’ that the Observatory published during the period 2004-2008. These are brief documents about specific issues that were relevant in its moment in the international relations:
- Gabarro, Jordi and Sabiote, Maria A. (2008) ‘La Unión Europea frente a Darfur una vez más: EUFOR Chad/RCA’, Obs breves 28/2008, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus.
- Guerrero, Federico (2007) ‘Las relaciones UE-África y la futura asociación estratégica: realpolitik con piel de cordero’, Obs breves 27/2007, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus.
- Natorski, Michal (2007) ‘El Instrumento Europeo de Vecindad y Asociación: Conteniendo expectativas en tiempos de escasez’, Obs breves 26/2007, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus.
- Sabiote, Maria A. and Soler i Lecha, Eduard (2006) ‘La Unión Europea en la crisis del Líbano o la paradoja entre poder y querer’, Obs breves 25/2006, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus.
- Bermúdez, Ángel and Soriano, Juan Pablo (2006) ‘Cumbre de Viena: energía, polarización y búsqueda de liderazgos’, Obs breves 24/2006, Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus.