The Observatori researcher Pol Morillas publishes the book ‘Strategy-Making in the EU: From Foreign and Security Policy to External Action‘. The book was released by Palgrave…
Month: October 2018
Martijn Vlaskamp receives Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral grant
The Observatori researcher, Martijn Vlaskamp, was awarded a Beatriu de Pinós postdoctoral grant to carry on his work on EU conflict prevention and crisis management policies. In the…
VISIONS’ principal investigator presents her paper at EISA Pan-European Conference
Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués (IBEI) contributed to the panel ‘Contesting traditional concepts of EU foreign policy research’ with her last piece of research ‘The Geopolitics of EU’s Neighborhood: EU…
Global India researchers present their paper at EISA Pan-European Conference
In the panel on ‘Chinese and Southeast Asian Insertion in the Global Order and Asian Responses’, Lara Klossek (IBEI) and Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués (IBEI) presented their work on ‘EU…
EU-NormCon researchers present their papers at EISA Pan-European Conference
Several EU-NormCon and Observatori researchers participated in the 12th EISA Pan-European Conference, organized between the 12th and 15th of September in Prague (Czech Republic). A…
A new researcher joins the European Foreign Policy Observatory
Diego Badell has joined the research group European Foreign Policy Observatory. He has gained the PhD scholarship granted by the ‘Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness’ in…