EU-NormCon co organized the debate about the future of Europe “Europe Reset: Nuevos rumbos para la UE” (Europe Reset: New paths for the EU) last Monday 18 of December at 6 p.m. at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB). The debate, chaired by Esther Barbé (UAB-IBEI), counted with the participation of Richard Youngs and the researchers of the European Foreign Policy Observatory Oriol Costa (UAB-IBEI) and Pol Morillas (CIDOB). The event was organized jointly with CIDOB and the programme Europe for Citizens.
The debate was hold within the sessions “Què passa al món?” (What is happing in the world?”) and serves also for presenting Richard Youngs’ new book. Youngs is senior researcher at Carnegie Europe and professor of International Relations at the University of Warwick. In his recently published book “Europe Reset” he suggests and alternative vision for the European integration and shows how the EU has to reinvent itself in order to survive.