EU-IANUS presents its conclusions in Madrid with the project’s promoter-observer entities


EU-IANUS’ researchers held a seminar on Wednesday 16th in Madrid with the project’s promoter-observer entities: Real Instituto Elcano (RIE), European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MFAC). The seminar titled ‘The European Union in a “No One’s World”: political answers in a multilateral system in transition’ was academically organized by Esther Barbé, head of EU-IANUS project.

The intention of the seminar was to present the results of the forthcoming book ‘The EU in a ‘No One’s World’: Policy responses to an unsettled multilateral system’ (Palgrave) and discuss with the partners its conclusions beyond a strict academic sense. The purpose of the project is to analyze the European Union’s response in an international system in transition. This structural change implies a more adverse context for the Europeans and the seminar aims at analyzing the EU’s response in different areas such as climate change or trade.

The seminar, organized by Real Instituto Elcano and Institut de Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), was held at the headquarters of RIE. The session was chaired by RIEs vice president Rafael Estrella and counted with the presence of Ignacio Molina, Federico Steinberg, Miguel Otero and Lara Lázaro (RIE), Ignacio Torreblanca (ECFR), Ricardo López-Aranda (MFAC) and the EU-IANUS’ researchers Esther Barbé, Oriol Costa, Patricia García-Duran and Robert Kissack.