EU-IANUS organized a panel at the 45th UACES Annual Conference held at the Deustuko Unibertsitatea (University of Deusto) in Bilbao between the 7th and the 9th of September. This interdisciplinary conference covered all aspects of European Studies, at which over 400 research papers had been presented.
The EU-IANUS’ panel “Accommodating or Entrenching? The EU’s Reaction to ‘No One’s World’’ will take place on Wednesday 9 September. Esther Barbé (IBEI –UAB) chaired the panel. Other EU-IANUS’ researchers presented papers, Oriol Costa presented ‘Accommodating or Entrenching? How the EU is Dealing with Changes in the Multilateral System’; Patricia Garcia-Duran with the paper ‘The European Union’s Reaction to Changes in the Multilateral Trade System’, co-written by Jan Orbie and Montserrat Millet; Anna Herranz-Surrallés’ ‘An Upstream Battle for Global Energy Governance: The EU and the Reform of the Energy Charter Treaty’; and Ben Kienzle’ paper ‘The European Union and the Challenge of a Changing Nuclear Non‐ proliferation Regime’. The discussant was Patrick Müller, from the University of Wien (Institute for European Integration Research).
Esther Barbé was also been invited by the organizers to address the audience at the UACES Plenary Session on ‘EU Foreign Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for Global Action’, that took place on Tuesday 8 September.