European Foreign Policy Analysis,
made in Barcelona
In today’s complex, fast-paced world, we provide expert insights into issues related to EU Foreign Policy.
Selected publications
Costa, Oriol and Barbé, Esther (2023). ‘A moving target. EU actorness and the Russian invasion of Ukraine’, Journal of European Integration, 45 (3): 431-446.
Kissack, Robert (2023) ‘Does the EU Benefit From Increased Complexity? Capital Punishment in the Human Rights Regime’, Journal of Governance and Politics, 11 (2): 17-28.
Johansson-Nogués, Elisabeth, Vlaskamp, Martijn and Esther Barbé (2020) ‘European Union Contested. Foreign Policy in a New Global Context’, Cham: Springer
Garcia-Duran, Patricia, Johan Eliasson, Leif and Costa, Oriol (2020). ‘Managed Globalization 2.0: The European Commission’s Response to Trade Politicization‘, Politics and Governance 8 (1): 290-300.
Latest news
Óscar Fernández successfully defends his doctoral thesis
Eshter Barbé presents her latest book alongside her co-editor at the Universidad de Malaga
Aitor Bonsoms defends his thesis at the UAB with excellence
Esther Barbé gives a presentation at the Gender Equality and Foreign Policy Working Group of the Real Instituto Elcano